Monday, December 12, 2011

This is for YOU:Shake the Dust

This is for the big girls.  You are beautiful.  Shake Ya Hips.

This is for the 7-11 employees working graveyard, crossing their fingers they won't get robbed.
This is for the pottery laying in shattered pieces on the floor, where the madman threw it in his fit of rage.

This is for the killers who weren't killers until they were pushed to the limit and went postal.
This is for that lady at the shoe store with a rock the size of China in her shoe, RAWR.

This is for the wrestlers, Pin 'em down.
This is for the football players.  Swag.

This is for the balloon that's afraid of heights and the kite that is afraid of flying.

This is for the dog that's afraid to bite.

This is for the ring sitting in the case at the jewelry store wishing for a finger to rest on.
This is for the person who sold that ring to the pawn shop, because it didn't work out.

This is for the teddy bear with crooked zig-zag stitching and one button eye sitting on the back of the shelf at the toy store waiting for someone to come along who will love him for who he is.

This is for the photo album of happy memories shoved in the back of the musty closet being feasted on by moths that are eating away the good times and forgotten photographs.

This is for all the spirits that surround us every single day, and the people who wish to understand them

This is for the almost 2-year old that no one can understand because he speaks half English, half God.

This is for the gym class wall flowers.

This is for the abused pets, children and adults.

This is for the kid who hasn't had lunch money since the first day of school and sits by himself in a corner alone, while everyone goes on with their busy lives, never once turning their attention away from themselves and onto him.  Just once.

This is for the girl who listens to the yelling and screaming, thinking that if she wasn't there things would be better for everyone.  
This is for that same girl who was once planning ways to disappear, and her plan to be happy no matter what happened.

This is for the kids who wish they could be somebody.

This is for the girl who sees her reflection and finally realizes she is beautiful.

This is for you.  This is for me.  This is for the everybody's, the nobody's and the wanna-be-somebody's.

This is for the people who know how to live.
To the people who treat everyone as an equal.  

And this is for the man who lives fully and is prepared to die at any time.

Shake the Dust.

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